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Michael Hailu

“The Power of Small Changes” by Michael Hailu is a compelling memoir that transcends the traditional narrative structure. It’s a testament to the intricacies of life, a mosaic woven from the fabric of the author’s experiences, failures, and triumphs. Hailu presents a unique invitation into his world, drawing readers into a journey marked by introspection and personal growth.


book chapter

chapter 01

Gratitude is like an endless spring of happiness where the source of unwavering inner peace resides.

chapter 03

Food drove us out of Eden and still is messing with humanity in almost every generation and all races.

chapter 02

Our marriages can take us to the peak of the mountain of success, or it could drag us to the lowest pit on earth

chapter 04

First and foremost, we need to have a fundamental belief and basic truth of ourselves that we are rich even without money.

why read it ?


From the outset, Hailu sheds light on the unspoken narratives that reside within us, the unwritten books in our minds waiting to be inked onto the pages of reality. His memoir is a culmination of a lifelong habit—journaling pivotal moments and lessons, each entry a reflection of specific learning curves encountered throughout various seasons of his life.

about the author

Michael Hailu

Michael Hailu is a storyteller at heart, weaving the tapestry of his life experiences into a captivating narrative in his memoir, “The Power of Small Changes.” Born with an innate curiosity and a penchant for introspection, Hailu began journaling pivotal moments from his childhood, creating a repository of life’s learnings and milestones.

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